Problem: XDC Masternodes power the XDC Dpos protocol by validating transactions and enable the decentralization of the network. Until now there has not been a dapp that integrates the legal structure of Syndicately’s Web1/2 platform for fundraising and decentralized participation in Masternode rewards. Solution: The “MasterShare” Dapp solves this problem through integrating the Uniqueness/KYC functionality of Civic Pass with the XDC network.
Functional Components: Syndicately members can contribute XDC towards the deployment of a Masternode through and integration between the Syndicately UI (members portal) and the “MasterShare” Dapp. Deal Participants submit XDC according to the contract and receive an NFT representing a claim to two elements: 1) Monthly reward share once the Masternode is live and for the duration of its existence. 2) Return of XDC submitted upon Masternode resignation.